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ACARA Geography curriculum began its implementation in Queensland schools in 2014.

SEAQ (in its former role as SOSEAQ) commented on each draft of the ACARA geography curriculum, mostly in conjunction with our national body, SCEAA. We will actively promote any professional learning that assists teachers who have very little geography background to implement the new curriculum in 2014 and thereafter.

We will also look for opportunities to link geography learning with other parts of the social education curriculum that are our major focus. To this end, our PD conference of 2013, "Teaching about the Cross -curriculum Priority of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures" contained a short session that emphasised the importance of the concept of Place for indigenous people. See page on PD resources.

On this page you will find:

    • The ACARA documentation about the Geography curriculum
    • What the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) has to say about its implementation in this state
    • QCAA support for geography implementation
    • Other assistance

1. ACARA documentation on Australian Curriculum: Geography

Geography is a structured way of exploring, analysing and understanding the characteristics of the places that make up our world, using the concepts of place, space, environment, interconnection, sustainability, scale and change. It addresses scales from the personal to the global and time periods from a few years to thousands of years.

Geography integrates knowledge from the natural sciences, social sciences and humanities to build a holistic understanding of the world. Students learn to question why the world is the way it is, reflect on their relationships with and responsibilities for that world, and propose actions designed to shape a socially just and sustainable future.

Please find the latest version of the Geography curriculum at this website:


2. QCAA Implementation Strategy

Find the implementation strategy for geography in Queensland on the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authourity website at

3. QCAA Support for Implementation


From 2014, Queensland schools will teach, assess and report using the P–10 Australian Curriculum: Geography.

P-10 Australian Curriculum Geography and Resources -   - takes you to a choice of year levels to consider an Overview; Curriculum content descriptions and elaborations showing the GCs and the CCPs that have been referred to; the Achievement Standards for the level; and Planning Considerations. The next tabs cover Assessment, Reporting and Resources.

4. New Sample Assesment Items

No sample assessments are yet available.

5. Other assistance

Schools should look out for professional development provided by the Geography Teachers Association of Queensland (GTAQ - and also refer to the resources made available by Education Services Australia ( - go to Projects and make your choice in the National Digital Resources Network especially). Enter through Scootle.

6. Resources  

7. More Resources 


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